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Sunday, September 11

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date: 9/2/05 label: Sire/Reprise/Rhino
artist: Paul Westerberg
title: Besterberg
file under: Alt Rock
review: Ah Westy… what’s left to say? Rock’s biggest underachiever for sure. And yet another casualty of Don Was. Such high highs, such low (and frequent) lows. Still, I hold out hope that one day he will release a great (or even a good) solo album. This, presumably, should be it: the best of his post-‘Mats material. But while there are some remarkable songs here, I’m still left unsatisfied (pun very much intended). His good songs only serve as frustrating, rule-proving exceptions to the mediocrity the rest of his work.
comments / tracks of interest: You probably (or should) know what you’re getting here. My picks: 14, 10, 12, 4, 2, 1, 9
#7 is funny, tossed off acoustic sing-a-long
FCC: 3, 20
reviewer: Jason Nickey

date: 9/2/05 label: Rhino
artist: Richard Hell
title: Spurts: the Richard Hell Story
file under: Alt Rock
review: Probably best know for his (perhaps the) punk anthem “Blank Generation,” Richard Hell was also a founding member of Television, and he had a huge overall influence on the sound and aesthetics of NY punk. He formed the Dim Stars in the early 90s with members of Sonic Youth. Trivia: Robert Quine, one the all time great punk rock guitarists, who is all over this collection, spent a lot of time in Indiana and attended Earlham College in Richmond.
comments / tracks of interest: Start with the Voidoids’ material; they’re all great rock and roll songs. “Chinese Rocks” is a classic from the Heartbreakers. The Dim Stars stuff is patchy at best. Check out the early version of Blank Generation with Television.
reviewer: Jason Nickey


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